SQG interacts with the local community of Saskatoon by:
- hosting a bi-annual Quilt Show
- supporting Serendipity Quilts,
- quilting displays at public venues,
- presentations of quilts and quilting techniques to the public.
Quilt Show

SQG recently hosted an extremely successful quilt show October 27 and 28, 2023. There were over 400 quilts entered, a guild boutique, vendor booths, and demonstrations.
Check out the Quilt Show page for pictures of the stunning entries.
An event like this doesn’t happen without the fabulous support of the guild members who volunteered their talent and many hours of their time.
Our next quilt show will be held
October 24 and 25, 2025.
McNally Robinson

McNally Robinson Bookstore in Saskatoon collaborates with our guild to have a rotating selection of our members’ quilts hanging on display. If the quilter desires, their quilt can be available for sale, all proceeds to the quilter.
A new display of quilts is hung each quarter (February, May, August, November). There is room for 16 quilts ranging in size from 45” to 90” wide. Quilts require a label, hanging sleeve and labelled bag.
The hanging spaces will take quilts of these dimensions (or smaller):
78”width x 90” length
78”width x 54” length (could hang sideways if sleeve attached on a side)
45” width x 45” length
60” width x 90” length
90” width x 90” length
For more information contact:
Serendipity Quilts

"Warming the community one quilt at a time" is the motto of The Saskatoon Serendipity Quilters.
Serendipity Quilters is an independent organization supported by SQG. They accept donations to create quilts for distribution to various charities.
They donate an average of 300 quilts per year. The organizations receiving the quilts include Healthy Mother/Healthy Baby, Kids First, EGadz Youth Centre, Adelle House, and the Salvation Army Santa Store.
Anyone can support them by donating supplies or their time. Quilt bundles (tops, batting and backing) are available for pick up at guild meetings. Or a quilt bundle can be dropped off for you to work on.
For more information contact:
Community Presentations

SQG often receives requests for a member or small group of members to visit seniors' centres, schools or other venues. We show our quilts and tell the stories behind them. Teaching the craft is not typically part of such a visit.
The guild is often asked to display quilted items for visual appeal or for sale.